Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Plants Here, Plants There, Plants Everywhere (Lockdown Edition)

Hi people!! How are you? Me, again

Well,  I spent last weekend with the Master on Neuroscience online classes. (Yeah, I DO get bored, too!)

 But on Saturday morning we talked a lot about... FOOD and BRAIN. The nutritionist that was delivering the class talked a lot about DIETS so I remembered you!!!

We also discussed how a misunderstood study (or a totally prepared marketing campaign) made us believe (and use and teach) the benefits of the FOOD PYRAMID for a long time.


So, which balanced meal plan should we use???

I'm also leaving here two great TED talks:

1) my favourite chef JAMIE OLIVER. Although it's a bit old, his concepts are absolutely correct!!


2) How healthy would we be if we could have a green urban farm?


As Jamie Oliver says, the problem with young people and vegetables/fuits is that they don't know where veggies come from and the enormous work it takes to keep them alive. So, we are going to grow our own plants!!
For  wednesday, October 21st , I would like to see all your CD germination (one per person) photos !!!
These are the instructions:

  But I don't want everybody to use the same kind of seeds, so  people in

Azar, Barbat, Birecwaig, Cedro, Dbsie Agustín, Molina Pico, Muruzabal, Raineri and Rodriguez Pelender will be using VEGETABLE SEEDS (the ones you have at home such as pumpkin, bellpepper, tomato) (no Beans, please!)

*  GROUP 2
Cremona, Fiorito, Dbsie Tomás, De Pedro, Fernández, Liao, Lopez Avetrani Joaquin and Magario  will be using FRUIT SEEDS (the ones you have at home such as lemon, apple, orange)

Gallo, Lopez Avetrani Santiago, García Canteli, Herrera, Iglesias Bruno, Illarramendi and Lauri will be using potatoes, onions, carrots, lettuce or sweet potatoes to obtain a plant. You will have to check your fridge to find a potato, an onion or a carrot that already has roots or sprouts.(like the ones in the picture) and then put it in a pot with soil.

I'd like you to send me pictures of your CD boxes every 15 days!!!

It will be a kind of HUNGER GAMES. Instead of districts, each of you will represent your plant group. The students who take care of their plants properly and whose plant makes it to November 30th will get a 10. The ones who don't...  The plant group with the most survivors will get an extra 10! #MayTheOddsBeEverInYourFavour

Let's become #UrbanFarmers!!


PS: This is an old picture of me with my grand uncle for you to see how much I have always loved plants (up to the point of trying to eat a tree hahaha)

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