Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Throwback Tuesday to when my students made super cool videos

Hi, my fellow "master procrastinators". As I have been receiving some super belated questions on how to make the videos you are supposed to hand in on Monday, I decided to include an example from a previous year and some comments.

1) As you have seen, the video is a cooking programme like the ones in the Gourmet Channel where you must answer the 10 questions from "The Scientific Chef" WHILE COOKING. Please, add subtitles because sometimes the sound is not very clear. This example video is too long. Make yours between 5 to 7 minutes long.

2) The video IS NOT about the menu, which has to be handed in in a computer file following all the guidances on any practical work (A4 paper, references, cover, badge etc). The menu has to include the dishes you designed and the explanation on why you included those ingredients. (please, write the names of the different courses correctly)

3) The chart can be done in a real chart and photographed or digitally. Don't use charts from internet because the group that cheats will get an #InstantOne

Please, be creative! Quarantine is already boring and dreadful... I gave you a long time in the hope that you would make something really cool to make my day.

See you on Thursday at 10!!!

And a  #Challenge: 
1) Which is the only diet (as a way of eating, not of losing weight) that has scientific proved endorsement? 
2) What kind of food does it include? Why?
3) Why is it that any diet highlighted in yellow is bad for us? Why shouldn't we leave meat out of our dish???

Please, put the video, the chart and the menu in a folder in your drive and send me the link. Remember, please, that my gmail account is about to explode!

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